Raising the Lowered Flag at First Candidates’ Forum 3

Unified Young Armenians raised a controversy from several years back during its forum last night for Glendale, California city council candidates. The moderator asked three candidates if the city should lower its flags to commemorate the Armenian genocide on April 15, considering the fact that half of Glendale’s population is of Armenian descent.

None of the three candidates asked to respond to this question were of Armenian descent. In fact, there are only four candidates out of the twelve running for city council who are not of Armenian descent. So the question should rightfully have been posed to both Armenian-Americans and others. Of the three who were asked, Michael Teahan deplored Turkish stonewalling against genocide recognition, Laura Friedman said yes, and Lenore Solis said no.

There are compelling arguments on either side, in this editor’s opinion. There are many Americans who believe that ceremonies involving the United States flag should reflect only this country’s concerns and commemorations. However, this act by the city of Glendale could be interpreted as a free-speech protest by its citizens against the United States government, which to date has not officially recognized the Armenian genocide.

Other forum moderators could subsequently pose this question to the eight Armenian American candidates, but this highly-charged, partisan issue will have little to do with how Glendale as a city is managed in the coming years. As the Glendale News Press noted, concerns about the huge city budget deficit and how to balance cuts in city services with preservation of the city’s quality of life, are where most candidates are focusing their campaign message.

Check the Glendale Community Calendar (on the right) for upcoming City Council candidate forums community associations are hosting several during the next few weeks. Citizens have several more chances to hear the candidates present their agendas and their reasons for wishing to serve as a Glendale city council member.

3 thoughts on “Raising the Lowered Flag at First Candidates’ Forum

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