California Division of Ratepayer Advocates:
CCST Smart Meter Report Inadequate 2

“DRA recommends that the CCST Report be expanded to provide a scientific critique of the Bioinitiative report, and other reports that assert a link between RF emissions and negative health impacts. CCST should explain why, in its opinion, these sources do not constitute evidence that indicates a need to establish limits for non-thermal impacts, if only as a precautionary measure, even if conclusive findings are not yet available.”

The quote above concludes a 4-page California Division of Ratepayer Advocates critique of the California Council of Science and Technology’s report Health Impacts of Radio Frequency from Smart Meters. The DRA, a state agency whose mission is to advocate for utility customers and environmental protection, cites problems with the report, including the CCST’s inattention to evidence of adverse health effects from exposure to radio frequencies in the range of those emitted by smart meters and other devices.

2 thoughts on “California Division of Ratepayer Advocates:
CCST Smart Meter Report Inadequate

  • RobertWilliams


    PG&E has already killed people in Hinkley, California and San Bruno California and other places less well known.

    Why are you people complaining about Wireless smart meters? Do you think you and your children deserve better than those adults and children that have already been killed by PG&E?

    PG&E Corporate has a record of lying, covering up, killing and sickening people throughout the state and that’s not going to change.

    I don’t understand you people trying to protect yourselves and your children. Why don’t you people just accept it, like the rest of us.

    It is obvious that PG&E lies for money. But PG&E is the official word so even if something terrible happens to my wife or children, no one can blame me.

    Stop the dam scientists from reporting cell damage and breaks in DNA chains in human cells and breaches in the blood/brain barrier of lab rats and cancer in humans over longer periods of time from the Wireless smart meter type of radiation.

    Stop the scientists from criticizing the bogus CCST report that is meant to calm us over these Wireless meters and stop talking about it – I don’t want to think about it.

    Just accept it, like the rest of us.

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