Palms 80 Feet High Trimmed Along Glenwood Road 1

Mature palms must place at the high end of tree trimming work. Dried fronds are heavy, inflexible, and have thorned ridges larger and sharper than saber teeth. I’m always fascinated when I see crews out trimming some of the older, taller palms in Glendale.

The mature California Fan Palms (up to 50′) and Mexican Fan Palms (75′-80′) lining Glenwood Road are professionally trimmed by West Coast Arborists about every three years. Palms this high also line the northern end of Brand Boulevard and parts of Glenoaks Blvd.

Seen yesterday (an extremely hot, sunny day!) along Glenwood Road:

West Coast Arborists crew at work

West Coast Arborists crew at work on Glenwood Rd.

Palm frond litter along Glenwood Rd.

Palm frond litter along Glenwood Rd.

Newly trimmed palms

Newly trimmed palms

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