Answer to Najarian’s MTA Motion Only in Closed Memo: Two Media Outlets Demand Release 1

ANajarianMotion42513Director Ara Najarian’s motion asking for clarification on which agency is legally responsible for the SR-710 study passed at the MTA April board meeting. Set to be brought back in July, Najarian found out the week before that the item wasn’t on the agenda. After he got it back onto the agenda, and many members of the public showed up to hear the answer, he and they both found it was contained in a LA County Counsel memo to the board classified as attorney-client privilege and not available to the public. Two media outlets have now demanded the answer be made public.

In MTA Secrecy and the 710 Fiasco, Ron Kaye described the scene and reported that he had filed a California Public Records Request to get a copy of the counsel’s memo. Separately, Damien Newton of LAStreetsblog also reported on the issue and published his letter to the MTA Board requesting a copy of the memo.

Clip from the July 25 MTA Meeting on Agenda Item 60:

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