Steps to the Summit:
Reaching the Top in Business and Life

Paul Fejtek with Cindy Bertram
2012, Peak Publishing, Newport Beach
176 pages, $22.95
Available from

School starts today in Glendale and this week’s book feature covers the athletic and professional success of Hoover High School graduate Paul Fejtek. He and his wife Denise (also a Hoover graduate – they met in Geometry class!) have climbed all of the world’s tallest mountain peaks, and Fejtek relates lessons learned in Steps to the Summit with what it takes to train, prepare, and select the right team to get to the top.

Paul and Denise Fejtek spoke at the Glendale Public Library in January 2012 about this book, their expeditions, their fundraising for the Challenged Athletes Foundation, and their perspective on success. It was an exciting multimedia presentation, which they produce and offer for corporate and professional events, together with group sales of their book.

The book itself is actually a good read. The business lessons are standard, but the way Fejtek relates advice like “Make A Decision” to the actual decision to stay put or proceed during a brief window of good weather at 9,000+ feet helps focus the reader on what is at stake in any serious decision. Each chapter of the book applies common wisdom to extreme situations, while illustrating how much could be accomplished if such wisdom was applied consistently in everyday as well as critical business situations.

The Challenged Athletes Foundation has named Paul Fejtek as the Most Inspirational Athlete of the Year because of his climbing accomplishments in spite of the Brachial Plexus Injury affecting his arm and hand.

Editor’s Note: Best wishes to the incoming Hoover High School class of 2016! Check out this book on my virtual Glendale Bookshelf, or on my actual bookshelf, or ask if Fejtek can come back to Hoover and speak to your classmates!