Cell Phone Radiation Warning Redux: Topic on State Senate Floor, Conflict for International Panel 2

The cell phone industry managed to delay a San Francisco measure requiring point of sale information on device radiation levels, but State Senator Mark Leno has followed with a state-wide measure, to be heard by June 3, requiring point of sale language referring consumers to cell phone manufacturers’ own user manuals. Meanwhile, the International Agency for Research on Cancer, which convened this week to consider the question of cell phone radiation danger, has fielded multiple conflict of interest charges and protests from independent scientists.

California SB 932 is now awaiting hearing on the Senate floor and will likely be voted on next week. The bill will require this language, referring consumers to manufacturers’ own warnings: “This device emits radiofrequency energy. Consult the user’s manual for additional information on safe use.” Contact your State Senator ASAP to urge a yes vote on this needed consumer information measure.

Microwave News reported that the International Agency for Research on Cancer removed panelist Anders Ahlbom after it became known he was a director of a consulting firm that helps telecom industry clients with environmental and regulatory issues. Microwave News also reported (May 19) controversy over IARC panelist RenĂ© de Seze after a French television documentary aired accusing him of working to delay a study with results detrimental to mobile phone industry interests. If you understand French, here is a link to the documentary “Mauvaises Ondes” (Bad Waves).

From Elizabeth Kelley, who advocates for independent research and more precautions on long-term exposure to electromagnetic frequency radiation:

“More scientists and public health advocates are speaking up about the possible hazards of long-term cell phone use. CNN just aired Dr. Sanjay Gupta interview with Cedar Sinai neurosurgeon Dr. Keith Blake on the subject.

The California State Legislature is poised to vote on a cell phone labeling bill next week. The International Agency on Research on Cancer will be discussing cell phone research next week and plans to render an opinion to the World Health Organization as to whether the type of microwave radiation used by cell phones, smart phones, WiFi networks, and antennas, etc. is cancer causing…Concerned scientists agree there is sufficient evidence to call for more precaution and lower exposure standards.”

You can take personal action by educating yourself and protecting yourself and especially your children. I initiated the Campaign for Safer Cell phones in 2010 with Dr. Devra Davis. You can see the educational videos I made for teens and young children on cell phone safety, under a grant from the California Endowment on behalf of the International Commission for Electromagnetic Safety by going to: http://www.environmentalhealthtrust.org/content/videos-change.

Contact members of the California State Senate to ask for their vote on SB 932, even if you are not a California resident.”

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