Change Your Postures Change Your Life!

Dr. Mike Spearman and Susan B. Stroh
Hardcover, 268 pages

$29.95 plus tax and shipping;
Order at (323) 663-1066 or
or available at Dr. Spearman’s Hollywood office,

Co-author and La Crescenta resident Susan B. Stroh enjoyed writing this book, and Glendale librarian Lyda Truick enjoyed reading it. Truick recommends Change Your Postures Change Your Life in this Glendale News-Press review, and Sunroom Desk today adds the link and this documentation to its Sidebar featuring books published by Glendale-area authors.

An excerpt from Truick’s review:

I was pleasantly surprised to be reading an insightful, enlightening book about more than posture.

The book defines posture outside of the physical realm, delving into political, social and mental descriptions of posture and the effects of posture on your overall well-being.