Developer To Update Sunland-Tujunga NC
on Golf Course Plans October 18 1

Snowball West Investments LLP will present updated plans for the Verdugo Hills Golf Course to the Sunland-Tujunga Neighborhood Council Land Use Committee Monday, October 18 at 7 p.m. They will also take questions and comments from the community.

Earlier this month, the Verdugo Hills Golf Course Committee learned that the City of Los Angeles Planning Department will NOT be releasing the Final Environmental Impact Report [FEIR] in October. Paperwork from the EIR consultants was submitted in summer 2010, but layoffs and reorganization in city administrative offices may have delayed completion. The committee is now estimating that the FEIR will not be released before the new year.

The VHGC Committee and the STNC Land Use Committee are inviting community members to attend the Monday meeting to hear where the proposed project stands. Link to the meeting flier for details.

One thought on “Developer To Update Sunland-Tujunga NC
on Golf Course Plans October 18

  • Karen K Zimmerman

    Thank you for sharing this information and thank you for the service you provide not only for Glendale, but other communities as well, especially with regards to the hidden dangers of cell towers.

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