Glendale Smart Meter Installations Begin Today

Glendale Water and Power staff were handing out GWP reusable bags with the imprint above at Sunday’s Unity Fest on Brand Blvd. The first round of smart meter installations begins October 13 (today).

Along with about five other Glendale residents, I attended the September 1 community meeting GWP held to present its planned smart meter rollout. Staff at the Unity Fest booth told me the other two community meetings also attracted only a handful of residents. Following up on issues raised by citizens in the Bay Area, I sent a follow-up list of questions to GWP and received this response. I sent another set of questions which have yet to be answered.

Whole communities in the Bay Area have mobilized against smart meter installations, with Fairfax being the latest to object. The Smart Meters [aka DumbMeters™] Action Wiki, serving (at least) all of California has the latest updates on controversies in several towns.