Google Pushing High-Speed Fiber Diet for U.S. Cities

Google has not yet announced which city(ies) it will use to build a high-speed fiber optic network (Glendale has a proposal in for consideration), but it continues to make the case for nationwide fiber-optic broadband deployment.

Today’s ArsTechnica post includes this company quote:

“We’d like every city and community that shares our interest in expanding the speed of the Internet to make conduit installation an integral part of their own road construction/repair process,” Google says. “We encourage local governments to take concrete action on this and complete the dream of ultra high-speed Internet in their own towns.”

Google’s commitment to wired broadband is especially welcome in contrast with the thousands of new antennas and cell sites telecoms want to construct to provide wireless broadband services.

Google’s Fiber for Communities webpage has more information; it includes a link to the Fiber to the Home Council site this Editor has consulted several times.