Ban Both Bags! 1

Paper or plastic? Producing paper bags releases 2-3 times more greenhouse gas emissions than producing plastic bags, says The group also says charges of ocean pollution from plastic bag litter are exaggerated. Instead of arguing about plastic v. paper, why not ban them both and train consumers to bring their own bags when they shop?

Bag Monster has links to several news stories about AB 1998, the latest state bill aiming to reduce plastic bag use in the state. The blog’s tagline, “1 year, 500 bags,” is probably an understatement. On some errand days in the distant past, I came home with 30+ bags. Now I keep two cloth bags in the car and a collection of reusable bags for grocery trips right by the back door.

Concerned about the oil flowing into the Gulf of Mexico? Look for more ways to reduce our use of oil’s end products. Plastic bags may require less fuel to produce, but they are themselves a petroleum product. Support a ban of all single-use bags, use less plastic (here’s an inspiration), and bring your own packaging.

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