Under the Paperweight, May 3-8, 2010:
Net Neutrality, the FCC, and Wireless Buildout 2

Is “net neutrality” newspeak, or a true fairness doctrine? Detractors believe it is a step toward government control over internet services. Advocates believe the policy will force carriers to provide equal access to all content. The themes in this debate are large: free speech, corporate monopolies, political influence in media, access to information, private v. government investment. An issue that isn’t getting a lot of attention is net neutrality’s impact on wireless buildout.

Less than a month after an appeals court ruled the FCC lacked authority to regulate Comcast’s network management practices, FCC Chair Julis Genachowski announced a new strategy to push for net neutrality and the National Broadband Plan (touching on many of the themes above in the video announcement).

The Comcast v. FCC case in question concerned a cable provider, but bandwidth hogs are actually a greater threat to wireless networks.

Will a net-neutrality policy inhibit or promote wireless broadband? Almost no one asks this question specifically, although AT&T and Verizon are warning that such regulations will reduce their investments.

Wireless networks are currently strained by smartphone demand. FCC rules forcing carriers to provide equal access at the same price, no matter how bandwidth intensive, will require a lot more towers and signal but will discourage investment. A lack of regulation would allow carriers to charge heavy users greater fees, discouraging egregious network use and possibly discouraging egregious buildout of ugly towers and cell sites everywhere. Tough choice, and all but ignored. The focus now is on corporate control v. government control of information channels.

Check out these links under the Sunroom Desk paperweight for views on the dilemmas facing the FCC, carriers, Congress, and U.S. citizens:

FCC says it has compromise on key broadband rules – AP, in MIT Technology Review, May 6, 2010

Key US lawmakers back FCC on broadband policy, Telecom Engine, Thursday, May 6, 2010

The FCC Makes Its Move on Net Neutrality – Reason, May 7, 2010

Net Neutrality War Heats Up – American Thinker, May 8, 2010

FCC to U.S. Court of Appeals: Drop Dead! – BigGovernment.com, May 10, 2010

Net Neutrality and the Third Way – HuffingtonPost.com, May 10, 2010

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Net Neutrality, the FCC, and Wireless Buildout

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