Wireless Permits for San Rafael, Chevy Chase Neighborhoods On Hold During Glendale Moratorium

Glendale is now holding a total of 17 wireless facility applications for public right-of-way installations in residential neighborhoods, according to Gary Edsall in Public Works.

Among them: Verizon-requested installations in the Camino San Rafael and Chevy Chase areas – 7 in San Rafael, 2 in Chevy Chase, and 2 in areas within 1,000 feet of those residential zones; and T-Mobile’s approved installation on hold in the Camino San Rafael area. T-Mobile’s original Cumberland Road installation was also listed as approved in Engineering as of this morning. T-Mobile terminated that project last year in this letter to the City.

The City is also holding six applications for private property installations. Under the proposed wireless ordinance, any resident can register to be notified of wireless permit applications filed in the City.