Wireless Ordinance Hearing Scheduled
for Glendale Planning Commission 3


Glendale’s draft wireless ordinance is up for review at an upcoming Planning Commission meeting.

Glendale Organized Against Cell Towers sent a message to residents urging them to attend the public hearing and voice support for strong municipal control over wireless installations.

The city released the draft for public and industry comment in late October 2009, held three community meetings moderated by Public Works Counsel Christina Sansone accompanied by outside counsel Jeff Melching and consultant Jonathan Kramer, and encouraged public and industry comments.

The staff report to the Planning Commission includes responses to all comments and incorporates some suggestions into the revised draft. One of GOACT’s requests, for a larger public notice sign, was added. Suggested setback requirements for public right-of-way installations presented potential conflicts with state and federal law, but the city’s comments indicated that these concerns would be reflected in the ordinance’s interpretation where possible.

Industry attorneys and representatives submitted many negative comments and complaints about the ordinance; AT&T’s response being the most extensive, T-Mobile’s striking a confrontational tone: “the proposed ordinance if adopted in its present form will almost certainly embroil the City in unnecessary and costly litigation” (from the letter’s first page). The city has posted all comments here.

Glendale officials need to hear public/residents’ support of strong controls as the ordinance is finalized for city council approval.

Again, here is the final report containing the revised ordinance that will go before the Glendale Planning Commission. City responses to public and industry comments on the draft ordinance are contained in Exhibit E, which begins on page 245.