More Recycled, Biodegradable Plastic Bags Found in Glendale Grocery Stores 2

Package #2 of recycled Seventh Generation trash bags from Whole Foods (30 tall kitchen trash bags for $5.38) still isn’t empty.

On recent shopping trips, I’ve found recycled Bright Green Trash Bags at Vons (45 tall kitchen trash bags for $6.99), and biodegradable BioBags at Ralphs (25 3-gallon trash bags for $7.29).

2 thoughts on “More Recycled, Biodegradable Plastic Bags Found in Glendale Grocery Stores

  • Esakki

    I need to find plastic trash bags both big and small and that are bright bright green color. They can’t be a light subtle green they need to be bright and clear green.

    Can you tell me the Von Store in which you spotted the Bright Green Trash Bags please.


  • Editor Post author

    Bright Green is the brand name. The bags are white. Best of luck with your search.

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