Glendale Front Yard Fence Guidelines
Finally Available 2

Clear guidelines for front yard fences in Glendale’s Horse Overlay Zone are finally available from a link on the city’s main webpage.

Property owners, as well as contractors and real estate agents working in that area, finally have

“…a special information package for residents of the Horse Overlay Zone in Glendale’s Rancho district which clearly conveys otherwise confusing direction concerning existing and new front yard fences, and stables.”

Joanne Hedge, Glendale Rancho representative to the Glendale Homeowners Coordinating Council, reported this at the coordinating council meeting last night.

Hedge acknowledged Glendale Planning Department staff member Kristin Asp for taking steps to eliminate the confusion and conflicting information residents have received over the past three years since the city’s front yard fence ordinance ban was amended in 2006 pertaining to the equestrian Rancho district.

2 thoughts on “Glendale Front Yard Fence Guidelines
Finally Available

  • Joanne Hedge

    An extension to the fifth paragraph which ends “…over the past three years” makes sense in context from the city, but needs this addendum for public outreach: “…since the city’s front yard fence ordinance ban was amended in 2006 pertaining to the equestrian Rancho district.”

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