Free Lunch and Bad News for Residents and Businesses at AB32 Seminar

Yesterday the Sunroom Desk calendar was crowded with events, but missing from the list was a free lunch seminar hosted by the cities of Glendale, Burbank, and Pasadena, How Climate Change Laws Will Impact Valley Businesses and Families, which I had just learned about that day. Apparently some residents received postcards notifying them of the event.

Representatives from Pasadena and Burbank Water and Power departments and other local officials told those in attendance that AB32 (The California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006) will likely increase electricity rates in Southern California and raise business costs. Numbers they cited included an increase in utility rates from a current level of $200 to $260 or up to $320.

There are myriad views of AB32, a complex piece of legislation. Here’s one from Pasadena Sub-Rosa, and another from a UCLA economics professor. A google search would keep you reading for weeks.