Under the Paperweight, March 1-7, 2009

Collected under Sunroom Desk’s paperweight last week were five pieces of financial reporting, as the country’s economic condition continues to rank as a top concern. Different parties have different reasons for concern.

Three news articles detailed

    bad news on stock prices (of concern to investors),
    continuing bailouts (of concern to taxpayers), and
    the drop in U.S. auto sales (of concern to manufacturing workers).

One described the Obama Administration’s new initiative to spur consumer lending and spending (of concern to me). This merited the editor’s post on the pathological drive to incentivize Americans to borrow more money and spend it.

And finally, a link to Jon Stewart’s Daily Show CNBC rant, a brilliant take down of the financial and financial reporting industry. Check all these out in the March 1-7, 2009 Paperweight archives.