A Wireless Life: Will the Supreme Court Sanction It? 1

In between business news reports today of the stock market falling still further, a Sprint commercial broadcast its message: “Come to Sprint and see how you can live wirelessly!”

We could all be living wirelessly, but at a price. Cell sites, with their accompanying electrical vaults, could sprout like mushrooms in residential neighborhoods throughout the country if Sprint wins its case in the U.S. Supreme Court docket.

A related price issue, beyond the physical effect on neighborhoods: Is this wireless lifestyle, with 3G Internet, Email, and Phone, anywhere, anytime, really a good thing for living creatures?

The radiowaves that allow laptops and PDAs to access the internet wirelessly are simultaneously flowing through their users. It isn’t unreasonable for commenter Nadine or other groups to question whether exposure to such radiowave frequencies is, in fact, safe.

One thought on “A Wireless Life: Will the Supreme Court Sanction It?

  • Brenda Laue

    How many times do we find out years later that something we have been assured is harmless and safe, isn’t? It’s not because of malicious lies but lack of information. How many studies have there been on the effect of radiowave frequencies on health? Do we even know the best questions to ask? Madame Curie didn’t know how harmful X-rays were until it was too late. Putting aside health concerns, do we really need to be wired constantly? What happened to actually talking to someone in person? I think the personal touch gets lost when computers and e-mail are the primary means of communication.

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